dominate niche

From Zero to Hero: Make These 3 Small Tweaks and Dominate Your Niche

by Peter Sandeen


Does finding the sweet spot for your blog sometimes feel like tuning an old radio?

You’re trying to get that perfect connection with your readers, but you can’t seem to cut through the noise.

It’s frustrating. You know you’re close. You know some of the signal is getting through. But it’s not loud and clear.

And no matter which direction you turn the dial, you can’t find the perfect position.

Sure, a few people share your posts. You get the occasional comment. And a handful of people have joined your email list for updates.

But it’s taken weeks, months or even years to get this far. How much longer must you wait to break through?

Luckily for you, a small adjustment is often all you need – a subtle shift in direction that allows your blog to finally resonate strongly with your readers.

Great Content, Design, and Other Blogging Myths

Great content isn’t enough to make your blog a success.

You’ve probably found plenty of great content that you haven’t done anything about. You didn’t share it, you didn’t comment on it, and you didn’t subscribe to get more of it.

Let’s face it, great content is everywhere you look. Seemingly endless lists of great content are available. Some sites are dedicated to lists of great content.

It’s the same with great design.

Based on how often blogging and marketing sites talk about design, you could think it makes a huge difference. But it doesn’t.

Of course your site should look good. If it looks like it hasn’t been updated since the ’90s, people won’t expect much from your content either.

But be honest – when was the last time you subscribed to a blog simply because it had good design? Exactly. Good design is simply a given – an expectation you have to meet. But it doesn’t give you an advantage.

The Shocker: People Don’t Care If You’re an Expert, Either

If you find a site run by a recognized expert on the topic, it doesn’t mean you automatically subscribe. Even if you think the topics might help you, too many “experts” are sharing their ideas for that to make a difference anymore.

The same thing causes many businesses to struggle with sales.

For example, webhosting companies always claim to have lightning-fast and reliable servers. So, it’s just an expectation, which doesn’t have much weight in the decision-making process.

You need more to get excited enough to take action. And so do the people who find your blog.

The Handful of Reasons that Motivate People to Do Anything

We all like to think we base our decisions on all available information. That our decisions are carefully considered. That we don’t jump to action just because someone pulls at the right strings.

But that’s rarely true.

We make decisions based on what we care most about. And, clearly, we can only care most about a handful of things.

Let’s say we’re in the market for a new car.

If we care about looking cool, we buy a Porsche instead of a Toyota.

If we care about having plenty of space for the kids, we buy a wagon instead of a coupe.

If we care about the planet’s health, we buy a hybrid.

Sure, you likely have more than one reason behind every decision you make. But the list is rarely long.

When people consider if they want to subscribe to your blog, only a handful of reasons truly make the difference.

I call those reasons your value proposition. It’s the combination of the best reasons your target audience has for paying attention to you, sharing your posts, and subscribing to your blog.

Usually, only 3–5 reasons push people over the edge. They might have more reasons, but a few key ideas carry almost all the weight.

So What Makes You Different?

Think what sets your blog apart from the competition.

For example, do you provide more in-depth content than others? Or is your content more straightforward? Easier to implement? More entertaining? Or do you have specialized expertise or authority others in your field lack?

Do you focus on solving more specific problems? Or help a more specific group of people? Or help in a way others don’t?

Something has to make you different.

The good news? Usually only a small adjustment is enough to make your blog worth the attention you desire. But if you don’t make that change, you have a squirrel’s chance on an eight-lane highway to build up a significant audience.

The 3 Crucial Steps of Fine-tuning Your Blog Topic to Get More Subscribers

If you started a blog and built a target audience but you’re struggling to unite the two, the following steps will help you make the adjustments you need.

#1 Choose One Audience

Let’s say you blog about making money online or marketing.

Well, a seemingly endless list of blogs about that topic are out there, so you’ll struggle to interest anyone if you don’t do something to stand out.

As long as your visitors can easily think of other blogs with a similar focus, they have little reason to pay attention to yours.

The first step is to get clear on whom you’re writing for. Figure out what kind of people you help.

And yes, you may have to narrow your initial target audience. If you don’t, you’ll struggle to capture anyone’s attention.

This means the audience for your marketing blog should be more precise than simply “people interested in marketing.”

Instead you could focus on helping consultants, freelancers, or entrepreneurs with their marketing.

And you should make sure your audience is already targeted by other popular blogs. Otherwise you might find you’ve picked an audience that’s too small or is not very active online.

Of course, you don’t have to help this audience with the same topics as these other blogs, but when others feel it’s an audience worth going after, that’s a positive sign.

And you should always focus on an audience you have some affinity with and one you feel you can help significantly. If you try to focus on another target group, you’re making things unnecessarily difficult for yourself.

When you know the exact target audience you write for, study them. Discover where they hang out online. Which sites they trust. What problems they’re trying to solve by reading blogs.

And most importantly, figure out what topics they’re interested in, so you can narrow your focus.

#2 Approach Old Topics from New Angles

Let’s say you blog about health and you’ve decided to focus on helping people with weight issues.

You need to find an angle to the topic that makes you different from your competitors.

Start by looking at the other sites that are directed toward the same audience. What topics get the most attention? What questions come up repeatedly? What creates the strongest emotions (for and against)? And if you already have some readers, what do they ask you to help them with?

Focus on something you know better than most people within the overall topic.

Let’s take the weight loss example.

If you personally enjoy the benefits of a meat-free diet, you could help people lose weight by adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet.

If you love to travel and you’ve seen how people around the world lose weight and stay fit, you could make your site about just that – taking the best healthy eating and exercise habits from around the world and introducing them to a wider audience.

And if you’re new to the topic, you must come up with a different reason for people to be interested in your thoughts. Maybe you read the most important books about the topic and post summaries with all the key ideas, so your readers save time.

Or maybe you write personal stories about trying different methods to lose weight and make them so comical that readers end up in tears when they try to contain their laughter in public places.

You don’t have to turn your blog into something “radically different.” But if people feel like they’ve already seen the same ideas elsewhere, delivered in the same way, they won’t stick around your site.

As your audience grows, you can expand your blog to include more topics. But with a few thousand subscribers or less, you should stick to a specific topic and angle on that topic.

However, knowing your audience and focusing your topic is still not enough for you to dominate your niche.

#3 Work Out What Your Audience Craves

This is the tough part – the one that few people really think about.

What would make the biggest difference to your audience? What do they desperately desire?

Let’s say you blog about personal development and you’ve used Step 1 to refine your audience from “anyone interested in personal development” to “married women interested in personal development.”

And using Step 2 you’ve narrowed your focus from all personal development topics to helping your audience with relationships, and specifically improving their relationships with their spouses.

If you can give your audience what they crave around this topic, they will pay attention to you, share your content, join your email list, and ultimately buy your products.

In this case, it could be that the audience craves specific, practical advice in contrast to bigger ideas that are harder to implement.

On the other hand, they might be desperate to hear real-world stories and examples from other people that will shed light on their own marriages.

Or they might simply want someone to be brave enough to talk openly about topics that others avoid (e.g., sex in a failing marriage).

These “cravings” are the reasons people will read your blog, share your posts, leave comments, and subscribe.

So what are the reasons your readers will stick around? In other words, what is your value proposition?

Realistically, your readers will only notice 3-5 aspects about your blog that separate it from all the others in the same field. So, those aspects must come across loud and clear, and they must interest your visitors enough to subscribe.

And crucially, people should understand what your blog is about when they first visit it. The reasons for them to stay must be crystal clear.

If you don’t know what your reasons are, you can’t help your visitors figure them out either.

You can’t just copy what makes other sites worth subscribing to. You must do something more – your value proposition must give people clear reasons to read your blog and subscribe to it.

And the only way to figure out what those reasons are is to get inside your readers’ heads. What do they want but can’t find elsewhere? What are the best aspects of other sites they’d want to see all in one blog? What can you do that others can’t? And what about your blog is already exceptionally good?

When you know what those reasons to read your blog are, that is, what is your value proposition, you must make sure people understand it.

How to Make People Understand Why They Should Pay Attention

So you’ve figured out what makes you different. And written it down, so it’s not just in your head, right? Because it you haven’t written it somewhere, chances are the idea is less than perfectly clear.

For example, it could be something like this: “My blog helps classical guitarists improve their technique, so they can play the songs they really want to play without their technique limiting their interpretation. I give them practical, interesting exercises that they can easily add to their practice.”

The point is, you must already have it clarified for yourself. If you don’t, you’ll struggle to make your visitors understand why they should pay attention.

This core message is your value proposition – the best reasons your target audience has for paying attention to you and joining your list.

You need to focus everything on getting that message across. Every aspect of your marketing needs to support it.

Even the content you share in social media and your guest posts should work hard to make people understand your value proposition.

If anything isn’t in line with it, people won’t get a strong “signal” because you’re not consistent. And then, again, they have little reason to stick around reading your blog.

But getting it across isn’t as complicated as you might think.

The Few Topics You Should Create Content About

You can only get people to understand your value proposition – and share your posts, comment on them, and subscribe to your blog – if your posts support it.

Anything that doesn’t fit that message confuses people and makes them wonder why they should take any other action besides leaving your site.

For example, if you narrowed your blog topic from “photography” to “nature photography for beginners,” you shouldn’t publish the occasional post about local politics – or even portrait photography. At least not unless you can tie it clearly in with nature photography.

Stick to the topics that fit your focus.

When you have a large audience and the resources to create plenty of content, you can start expanding, though even then it’s risky. But until then, the lack of focus in your topic selections guarantees you won’t see the results you’re after.

If you know what topics you’re focusing on and you don’t stray from them, people will notice. That is, if you narrowed down your focus enough.

The harder part is to create content that fits in with the finer points that make people practically addicted to your content.

If a part of your allure is to be practical, for example, you have to make your content so practical that every visitor notices that it’s practical.

If you’re counting on people perceiving your content as unusually in-depth, then all your content has to be so in-depth and packed with powerful words so that people can’t possibly miss it.

Or if you’re all about tackling topics others don’t dare to touch with a 10-foot pole, then don’t venture into topics that every blog in your field is comfortable with.

As the general rule, if a piece of content doesn’t help you make people understand the best reasons for paying attention, sharing, commenting, and subscribing, you shouldn’t publish it.

Dominate Your Niche

You know what compels people to pay attention to you, share your content, leave comments, and subscribe to your list.

You publish content that your target audience has been craving and would be willing to jump through flaming hoops for.

And all your content is focused on making people understand your value proposition.

Things start rolling. People start subscribing. They share the content, so more people find you. Even Google understands you better when your content is focused.

You’ve found just the right position for the dial, and the signal is clear.

But all that happens only when you’ve discovered your value proposition – what are the best reasons your target audience has for paying attention.

So, take out some paper or a open a blank document right now and note down what makes (or what will make) your content worth drooling over.

About the Author: Right now Peter Sandeen is dodging icebergs while sailing with his wife and dogs on the Finnish coast. But you can download the 5-step system for finding the core of your value proposition quickly, so you’ll know what makes people notice you, share your content, and subscribe to your blog.
Photo of author

Peter Sandeen

Right now Peter Sandeen is dodging icebergs while sailing with his wife and dogs on the Finnish coast. But you can download his short ebook “7 Key Steps to Guest Blogging Success” that shows you how to get 100+ subscribers from every guest post you write.


Make 2-5K per month, even if you're a beginner. We're seeking writers of any skill level.
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Written by Peter Sandeen

Right now Peter Sandeen is dodging icebergs while sailing with his wife and dogs on the Finnish coast. But you can download his short ebook “7 Key Steps to Guest Blogging Success” that shows you how to get 100+ subscribers from every guest post you write.

88 thoughts on “From Zero to Hero: Make These 3 Small Tweaks and Dominate Your Niche”

  1. Very impressive post Peter. I got hooked by this phrase “As long as your visitors can easily think of other blogs with a similar focus, they have little reason to pay attention to yours.” There is therefore need to stand out!

    • Hey Enstine,

      Thanks 🙂

      And yeah, that’s the reality. There’s so much competition that you just have to do something “special” to stand out. Then again, it doesn’t have to mean anything “weird…”


  2. Awesome post Peter – #3 really helped me to think harder about how I can improve my content and focus on what my audience actually cares about. Thanks for sharing these insights!

    • Hey Seth,

      Thanks 🙂

      That’s often the missing step from what people are already doing.

      Let me know if you have any questions I can help with.


  3. Great post Peter! I’m embarrassed to admit how long I spent agonizing over mindless stupidity like the design of my blog before I finally found the courage to hit “Publish” on my first post. You are so right: great content, blog design, and even our expertise all help in the end, but they are not nearly as important as we think they are. In fact, once I finally stopped worrying about the silly stuff and started to pour all my effort into the first crucial step that you outlined above (Choosing One Audience), things finally started to fall in place for me. This was a great read, thanks again for posting it.

    • Hey Shola,

      Glad to hear things have worked out for you 🙂

      Let me know if you have any questions.


  4. Jon, the first step to change is recognizing and admitting there is a problem. I definitely need to do some thinking. The good news is I recently signed up for your Guest Blogging course. Things are about to change. Thank you, my friend, for the clarity and direction.

    • Hey Don,

      That’s a good point 😉 But for many, just seeing the lack of any results is enough to force them to admit that there is indeed need for a change…


  5. Wow this is an excellent one. And I really love the concept of picking one audience because the reality is there are many great posts out there.

    Instead of being a traffic guys, be the guy that talks about using facebook to get traffic .

    • Hey Kenneth,

      Thanks, glad to hear that 🙂

      And yeah, getting traffic with Facebook would be a much more viable topic to start with than just general “get traffic.” Sure, when you have a bigger audience, you can expand.


  6. You’re right, Peter. You don’t always have to tear down everything and totally start over if you’re not getting the results you want. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of shifting your focus or angle just a bit to get things flowing. Great post.

    • Hey Mark,

      Thanks 🙂 And yeah, don’t try to fix the parts that are already working… But I guess it might seem for many people that since they’re not getting the results they want, they have to make some massive changes.

      Let me know if you have any questions I can help with.


  7. Peter, I hit the Submit button too quickly. My apologies for not realizing you were the author here, not Jon. Good stuff … and definitely in line with Jon’s course. Much appreciated.

    • Hey Williesha,

      Thanks 🙂

      Yeah, it’s not the simplest thing to do. But it’s pretty much a prerequisite for results, so don’t procrastinate 😉


    • Hey Hashim,

      That’s a good idea. You might very well notice that people are already starting to see you as a credible source for a specific kind of information… And then you just need to focus all your content and efforts to the same topics 🙂


  8. Wow, what a thorough and actionable article, Peter.

    I think this work is soooo important, but I’ll admit that in my case, it took me close to a year of struggling online with minimal results before I *finally* kicked my own butt into gear and did the work of figuring out my value proposition. And since doing that, everything’s gotten so much easier — from what to write about on my blog, to understanding the problems I can help my audience solve, to writing my weekly newsletter, to creating offerings, and even crafting social media updates. Actually, every thing in my business is much simpler and a whole lot more fun. 🙂

    Your advice to “focus on an audience you have some affinity with and one you feel you can help significantly” is spot on — I decided I wanted to serve creative freelancers and solopreneurs because as one myself, I have an affinity with them, and I’m also am uber-eager to serve them in a way they can get alot of value from.

    Thanks for the excellent article!

    • Hey Kimberly,

      Thank you, glad to hear that 🙂

      And great to hear you’ve already gotten clear about your value proposition. That’s something unfortunately few people do…

      Let me know if you have any questions I can help with.


  9. I know what it is to struggle with Choosing One Audience. In the past my blog was about all sorts of things but I’ve decided to focus on Productivity as it relates to Mid-Lifers. Hopefully, I haven’t gone too narrow.

    Thanks for the post.

    • Hey J,

      That doesn’t sound too narrow at all… The potential target audience is really, really big, so I wouldn’t be worried about that 😉


    • Hey Sue,

      Thanks, glad to hear that 🙂

      Let me know if you have any questions I can help with.


  10. Peter – interesting angle on an ongoing issue! I find, especially in the more saturated niches (marketing, blogging) either an amazing story (think Danny Inny) or a ton of personality (tmfproject/redheadwriting) attract the crowds.

    From what I’ve seen with beginner bloggers, even promoting a ton, joining blog commenting tribes, etc doesn’t work as well because their niche isn’t appealing enough.

    The suggestions in your post alone will do wonders to set someone apart. But it still takes a lot of work, trial and error, and tweaking to make it work.

    – Razwana

    • Hey Razwana,

      Yeah, it’s definitely going to take a lot of work to get results. But then again, if you don’t stand out, then almost no amount of work will create results 😉

      Let me know if you have any questions I can help with.


  11. Hello Peter, your message is well-timed for me and I have to admit that I have struggled with the idea of narrowing my potential audience for fear of losing potential readers – the irony is, as you say, without doing this, we will find it very hard to stand out enough to get the readers in the first place.

    • Hey Katy,

      Glad to hear this helped 🙂

      That’s a really common fear. The same thing happens with a lot of businesses; they’re afraid of focusing because then their potential target base gets smaller…

      Let me know if you have any questions I can help with.


  12. Excellent and clear post, Peter. It ought to be a no brainer to write content about a few topics well rather than spiraling out. Yet, it’s such a temptation to spiral out which doesn’t serve us. Thanks for this, and the other important reminders.

    • Hey Gail,

      Thank you, I’m glad to hear that 🙂

      And yep, it’s a huge temptation… I did it, too, and got no results. I even removed about 50% of my posts at one point to make my site focused 😀


  13. Hey Peter,
    Compelling post. As you say it is easy to write without a clear audience in mind. I am not sure I have mine 100% nailed down in my mind yet, but I am getting there. It is also a little about finding your voice and what works for you too I find. So a combination of both really.
    Thanks for the info.

    • Hey Ashley,

      That’s true; your voice makes a big difference. Then again, it’s connected to your value proposition. Or at least it can be… Anyhow, you’re right, it’s all about “what works for you” 🙂


  14. An excellent post, Peter – I know I need to narrow and clarify the focus of my blog, so thanks for this welcome reminder. I also agree with Ashley that it’s partly about finding your own unique voice and style.

    • Hey Susan,

      Thank you, glad to hear that 🙂

      And yep, your voice and style play a big part. They’re a part of what makes you unique (and stand out). Then again, you don’t necessarily need a super-unusual voice, for example, to succeed. But they can make a big difference.

      And in any case, if you don’t have a voice (=there’s no consistency), people will struggle to get a sense of what you’re all about.


  15. I read this twice, and I have been ignoring blogs reading and commenting for a while. Great headline that made me interested! I should say that I think that you, Peter made a difference for me today. It was a major “aha! ” for me.

    • Hey Marina,

      Glad to hear that, thank you 🙂

      Let me know if you have any questions I can help with.


  16. Hi Peter,

    Excellent post. Beautifully explained with very relevant examples. I found it to be very enlightening despite having studied value propositions in various forms through my MBA.

    I read your post twice and downloaded the pdf which I intend to work through.

    Your post got me thinking about my website’s value proposition. I realised I’m not clear on what my CVP is.

    I write about productivity and stress reduction but there are a few posts on technology and mindfulness in blog /website as well.

    Perhaps I should write about productivity and stress reduction as it applies to professionals in middle to senior management and drop the technology posts. I love I love writing about technology though.

    • Hey Ash,

      Thank you, great to hear that 🙂

      You’re most likely better off dropping the technology part unless it relates directly to the productivity and stress-reduction topics. If you want to write about “unrelated” technology, maybe you have a side project that allows you to do that without losing the focus on your main site?


      • Hi Peter,

        Thanks for your reply 🙂

        That’s a good suggestion about writing technology posts only if they directly relate to stress reduction and productivity. I happen to do that already. For example one of my most popular topics is to write about Omnifocus which is a getting things done / productivity tool.

        I appreciate the feedback. Good to know I’m on the right track.

  17. Excellent past. Many thanks.
    Get really clear who you’re really focused on and what you offer that those readers crave. I do this for client companies with their products so I’m not sure why I didn’t get this before! Many thanks. Jane

    • Hey Jane,

      The shoemaker’s children don’t have shoes… I don’t understand it either, but it’s easier to do these things for others 🙂


  18. I got sick of writing blogs about blogging and wanted to write about matters of real concern to me, so I changed everything about my blog. I couldn’t change the domain name, so I changed the title to simply “A Writer’s Blog.” My favorite topics include exposing media and corporate doublespeak and encouraging other writers to write from the heart rather than from a blogging guru’s rulebook. This new direction seems to have worked. A recent blog was reprinted 3 times, I have a slowly but steadily increasing readership and my bounce rate has improved. Most importantly, though, I enjoy blogging again and feel I’m making a contribution.

    • Hey Rob,

      Glad to hear things are working out for you 🙂 And great that you’re having fun again.

      Let me know if you have any questions I can help with.


  19. Peter,
    Thank you – You’ve looked inside my head and saw what is missing… focus, voice, target audience that I have an affinity with, and my value proposition among other things. However, I am committed and I am inspired by your insights. Thoughtful article to a craving audience.

    • Hi Esther,

      Thank you, glad to hear that 🙂 And let me know if you need help with the value proposition work.


  20. These ideas are great for getting your reader’s attention.

    You are right I do feel like I am on the edge of being great to falling back into obscurity.

    • Hey Michael,

      Yeah, the difference can be really small. Often it’s just about getting clear about what you want to focus on (and then focusing on it) 🙂


  21. Hi Peter,

    Narrow your niche, find the cravings, focus on it and stick to the topics that fit your focus. This seems to be the essence of your article.

    How to you find the cravings of your audience? You ask them directly or you use surveys, polls etc.? What is your best method?

    Have a wonderful day

    • Hey Silviu,

      Asking directly is one way. Surveys and polls another. You can also look at what are the most popular or comment-provoking topics on other sites that cover some of the same topics as you. And as you start to get an audience of your own, they’re likely to ask questions from you that are a good indication of what they really want from you.


    • Hi Steven,

      Thank you, glad to hear that 🙂

      Let me know if you have any questions I can help with.


  22. That’s a great post Peter.
    And you said right that approaching an existing topic from a different and unique angle might be the first step in creating a dominance in a particular niche and gain trust of your audience.
    Loved the article mate. Thanks for sharing it with us 🙂

  23. Hi,
    That was a wonderful post. One thing that I really liked was that we must keep things simple. Being an expert doesn’t always guarantee success.
    Thanks for the motivation.

    • Hey Mayank,

      Thanks, glad to hear that 🙂

      And yeah, being an expert isn’t enough when there are plenty of experts around…


  24. What do you use to view your traffic? Awstats, Google Analytics, other? Your #2 for “How to Write Blog Posts that Get Traffic” on Google. Nice responsive design by the way.

    • Hey Nate,

      If you asked that from me, the answer is Google Analytics (for the basic tracking). I don’t know if Boost Blog Traffic uses something else as well, but you can find Google Analytics code from the page source code 🙂


    • Hey Denise,

      Thanks, glad to hear you think that 🙂

      Let me know if you have any questions.


  25. How would you focus a personal injury blog? Stick to a specific type of injury? There are a ton of blogs that cover all types of injuries and legal aspects in a Q&A format.

    • Hey Gene,

      Sticking to a specific injury type is an option. But you can also consider what else makes you the better option for readers. Can you give more in-depth advice. Offer it in a different format. Or something else.

      Or perhaps you can answer the questions others can’t or won’t talk about (usually, though not always, there are some of those questions).


  26. Great post, Peter! I’ve always thought about saying something different than others to provide better value but never thought about saying something that makes most difference to the target audience. Thanks for making me realize this difference. 🙂

    • Hey Smriti,

      Good to hear from you 🙂 And thanks, glad to hear that. (I think there’s an opportunity for you/VWO 😉 )

      Don’t hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions I can help with.


  27. Excellent post Peter. I’ve always tried to keep up the quality of my blog. But, after reading your article, I’ve realized that there is more to it. I’ve never really cared what my visitors crave for. Will implement the tips you shared. Thanks.

  28. Nice post peter. Identifying your audience and converting them to your loyal readers is really important for any blog to survive. As l’m facing with low subscribtions , this post might help me to improve my blog.

    • Hey Naveen,

      Yep, it’s pretty important 🙂 And it gets a lot easier when you’re clear about whom you’re targeting.


  29. Great job Peter!
    I find, especially in the more saturated niches (marketing, blogging) either an amazing story. I enjoyed your post on capturing the blogging audience!
    Thanks for the excellent article!

  30. Great article! There seems to be just a few too many lurkers out there who post content because they know they should, yet don’t follow through with the engagement side of engaging their audience.

  31. Peter, really well written blog. Even I understood it! I have a question. I can understand the positive part of what we need to define for ourselves and the way we write, but is it appropriate or beneficial to tell our audience what it isn’t? For example, my writing is designed to help the owners of micro business to be more authentic and effective in their verbal communications in order to stand out, get more buy-in and win more business as a result. At the absolute core of my philosophy is ‘the pause’. We all speak too quickly and say too much. So one could say that my ‘thing’ is to teach brevity and clarity in our verbal communications. Add to that, we need to be more entertaining, and you’ve got it! What I don’t write about is public speaking, toastmaster-type techniques and the like because none of that stuff will help them to get the ‘business’ result they are wanting. Do I tell people that or not?

  32. Hey Peter,

    I love this article? btw, what do you think of the personal development niche?? do you think the niche is too broad? There are a lot of personal growth blogs out there and was just curious about what you thought. Thanks

  33. Thanks for the food for thought! Just sent the link to my husband. We are a week away from launching a re-do of our site. We are considered the “experts” in our niche in Canada as well as the most detailed and thorough in our posts. Your contribution is going to help us focus on how to make this all work and ensure that our traffic reflects our position in the Canadian earthship world. (BTW, an earthship is a sustainable home made of tires and pop cans.) Thanks again!

  34. “The good news? Usually only a small adjustment is enough to make your blog worth the attention you desire”

    I agree, but finding this little adjustment that can help you get all the attention you want can be quite difficult sometimes! Great tips by the way! 🙂


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