How to Use Social Media Icons to Boost Your Brand (+ Top Tips)

by Sarah Cha


Navigating the world of social media icons can feel like a treasure hunt, can’t it? 

You’ve got a sea of icons, but which ones do you need to make your online presence shine? 

In this guide, we’ll demystify all the major social media icons and teach you how to use them to your advantage. 

From Twitter’s bird to Snapchat’s ghost, we’ll decode each icon’s purpose and unveil effective strategies to make them work for your brand. 


Take a look…

The Role of Social Media Icons for Brand Visibility

In the vast digital landscape, think of social media icons as your brand’s lighthouse.

A social media icon is more than just a symbol; it’s a direct link to a brand’s social media presence.  

They guide users towards your social platforms, becoming beacon points that amplify your online presence. 

But how does this contribute to brand visibility? Let’s break it down…

1. Navigation Simplified

Social media icons work like a GPS for your brand’s online presence. 

Users don’t have to search for your brand on every social platform; a simple click on the relevant icon leads them right to your profile. 

They effectively shorten the user journey, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

2. Consistent Branding

When used correctly, social media icons can reinforce your brand identity.

For instance, customizing the color of these icons to match your brand palette can create a cohesive visual experience, enhancing brand recognition.

3. Promoting Cross-Channel Engagement

By displaying various social media icons, you’re giving your audience multiple avenues to connect with you.

They might discover your Instagram through your website or your YouTube through Instagram. It’s a ripple effect that can significantly broaden your reach.

4. Building Trust

Seeing familiar social media icons on your site or digital content assures users of your brand’s legitimacy. 

They’re more likely to trust and engage with a brand that maintains an active presence on reputable social platforms.

5. SEO Benefits

Lastly, linking your social media profiles can indirectly boost your SEO.

A well-engaged social media presence can enhance your brand’s online authority, possibly improving your search engine rankings.

The key is not just to plaster these icons anywhere, but to strategically place them where they’re easily noticeable and clickable. 

Whether it’s in your website’s header or footer, your email signature, or your blog posts, make sure these icons serve their purpose — directing traffic to your social media, promoting engagement, and boosting your brand visibility.

Clearing Up Misconceptions About Social Media Icons

A man showing confusion

Now, when it comes to social media icons, it’s easy to get tangled in misconceptions. 

Let’s address some of the most common misunderstandings and offer practical advice to make these icons work effectively for your brand.

Misconception 1: Social Media Icons Are Mere Decorations

Far from being just ornaments on a webpage, social media icons are powerful digital tools. 

They serve as direct links to your social media platforms, making it easier for users to engage with your brand. 

Don’t underestimate their functionality, or you might miss out on a golden opportunity to drive traffic and engagement!

Misconception 2: The More Social Media Icons, The Better

It’s tempting to plaster your site with every icon for every platform, but that’s not always the best strategy. 

Having too many icons can lead to choice paralysis for the user. Instead, carefully choose and display icons for platforms where your brand is actively engaging with its audience. 

It’s about being where your customers are and providing them with quality content.

Misconception 3: Any Social Media Icon Will Do 

Social media icons come in various styles and designs, but not all are created equal. 

It’s crucial to use up-to-date and platform-approved versions to avoid copyright issues. 

Moreover, consider the visual consistency of the icons with your overall brand aesthetic for a seamless user experience.

Misconception 4: Social Media Icons Should Always Be Placed in the Website Footer

While it’s common to see social media icons in the footer, it’s not the only suitable location.

Consider your website layout and user journey when deciding where to place them. Key areas like the header, contact page, or about us page are also worth considering.

Remember, these icons are not just aesthetically pleasing elements; they are strategic tools for enhancing your brand’s online visibility and user engagement. 

Used wisely, they can significantly contribute to your digital marketing success.

Popular Social Media Icons & Where to Find Them

social media icons on a phone

Now that we’ve demystified some common misconceptions around social media icons, let’s now turn our attention to the stars of the digital sphere. 

In this section, we delve into some of the most popular social media icons, exploring their symbolism and discussing where you can find them for your own use.

Let’s dive into some of the most popular icons…

1. Facebook

Facebook, with its billions of active users, remains a titan in the social media landscape. 

Its iconic lowercase ‘f’ is not just a logo; it symbolizes a global community where people from all corners of the world can connect and share experiences.

Embed this logo on your website, blog, or newsletters to link directly to your Facebook profile, boosting your visibility and expanding your digital reach. Just be sure to follow Facebook’s guidelines for using their logo.

Check out Facebook’s brand resources and guidelines here.

2. Instagram

Instagram, a visually-driven platform, thrives on creative expression through photos and videos. 

The stylized camera icon encapsulates the platform’s essence, symbolizing a tool to capture and share the world’s moments. 

To leverage Instagram’s potential, obtain the official logo from Instagram’s Brand Resources page and use it to guide visitors to your Instagram profile from your other digital outlets. 

Remember to adhere to Instagram’s brand guidelines to maintain authenticity.

Check out Instagram’s brand resources and guidelines here.

3. Twitter

twitter social media icon

Twitter, the go-to platform for real-time updates and microblogging, is symbolized by a bird, embodying the freedom and speed of sharing thoughts. 

To incorporate Twitter into your digital marketing strategy, download the official logo from Twitter’s Brand Resources site and use it to link your website or emails to your Twitter feed. 

As with the other platforms, be mindful of Twitter’s usage guidelines to ensure you’re in compliance.

Check out Twitter’s brand resources and guidelines here.

4. Pinterest

Pinterest, a treasure trove of ideas and inspiration, allows users to ‘pin’ their favorite images and concepts onto virtual boards. 

Its unique ‘P’ icon represents a digital pinboard, symbolizing the platform’s core mission of cataloging creativity and inspiration. 

It signifies a world of ideas and a space for discovery, personal organization, and shared creativity.

Check out Pinterest’s brand resources and guidelines here.

5. YouTube

YouTube is the premier platform for video sharing and consumption, hosting everything from educational tutorials to blockbuster films. 

The YouTube play button icon is a symbol of this platform’s purpose: to play and share videos. 

Its bold, red play button encapsulates the concept of instant video access, representing a universe of visual content just a click away.

Check out Youtube’s brand resources and guidelines here.

6. LinkedIn

linkedin social media icon

Featuring a stylized ‘in’ on a blue backdrop, LinkedIn’s icon embodies professional networking. 

It symbolizes a global office where career opportunities, professional connections, and industry insights are just a click away. 

Each interaction on LinkedIn has the potential to unlock new career paths and growth opportunities, reinforcing the power of professional networking in the digital age.

Check out LinkedIn’s brand resources and guidelines here.

7. Snapchat

Snapchat revolutionized the concept of ephemeral messaging in the digital world. 

Its ghost icon, aptly named Ghostface Chillah, signifies the app’s core function: sending messages and images that disappear after a short time. 

This ghost is a playful nod to the fleeting, ‘now you see it, now you don’t’ nature of content on Snapchat.

Check out Snapchat’s brand resources and guidelines here.

8. TikTok

TikTok has taken the world by storm with its short, catchy videos that often go viral. 

The app’s music note icon is a tribute to its musical roots (its predecessor was a lip-syncing app called 

This icon symbolizes the platform’s spirit of rhythm, entertainment, and creative expression.

Check out TikTok’s brand resources and guidelines here.

9. WhatsApp

whatsapp social media icon

WhatsApp is a global leader in direct messaging and VoIP services. 

The icon, a green speech bubble with a white phone inside, brilliantly combines the essential elements of communication – talking and texting. 

It epitomizes the simplicity and convenience of staying connected, no matter where you are in the world.

Check out WhatsApp’s brand resources and guidelines here.

Top Tips For Using Social Media Icons on Your Website

two women searching for social media icon on a laptop

Why do websites have social media icons in the first place?

The digital landscape is like a vast marketplace, teeming with brands vying for attention. 

In this milieu, your website is your storefront, and social media icons serve as your open sign, inviting customers to join the conversation happening behind the scenes. 

They’re the digital equivalent of saying, “Hey, we’re here, we’re open, and we’d love to chat!” 

So here are some best practices for placing these ‘open signs’ on your digital storefront…

  • Position with Precision: Social media icons should be visible but not distractingly prominent. Think of them like the small yet noticeable open signs in shop windows. The header or footer of your website is often the perfect spot for them. But ultimately, any social media icon you use should flow well with your site’s design, like well-placed furniture in a room.
  • Size Them Right: Size matters when it comes to social media icons. Too big, and it’s like yelling at your visitors with a megaphone. Too small, and they might miss the whisper of your invite. Strive for the Goldilocks sweet spot — clear, visible, but not overwhelming.
  • Ensure Accurate Linking: Social media icons should be current and link directly to your social media profiles. It might sound like a no-brainer, but it’s surprisingly common to stumble upon icons that lead to the platform’s homepage, not the brand’s profile. That’s akin to inviting someone over and then giving them the wrong address.
  • Keep It Updated: In the rapidly evolving world of social media, platforms frequently update their logos. Keeping your icons up-to-date signals that you’re on top of trends, and that attention to detail is crucial in the digital world.
  • Choose Icons Relevant to Your Audience: Not all social media platforms are created equal, and not all will be relevant to your brand or your audience. Choose the icons that represent the platforms where you’re most active and where your audience likes to hang out. It’s about quality, not quantity.
  • Maintain Brand Consistency: While it’s crucial to use the official icons of each platform, make sure they match your website’s aesthetic. If your site has a minimalist black-and-white theme, neon-colored icons might stick out like a sore thumb. Most platforms provide monochrome versions of their icons — use them if it matches your aesthetic.

Incorporating these tips into your website’s design will ensure your social media icons are more than just decorative elements — they’ll be engaging, functional, and strategic parts of your digital presence.

Wrapping Up Your Social Media Icon Journey

social media icons on a phone

Hey, you’ve made it through the labyrinth of social media icons, and that’s no small feat! 

From understanding their importance, to picking the right ones and sprinkling them on your website, we’ve been on quite the trek.

But now you know the significance of these icons, where to find them, and how to use them on your own “online storefront.”

So go ahead, use your chosen social media icons wisely, and watch as they amplify your brand’s voice across the world wide web. 

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Sarah Cha

Sarah Cha is an avid writer, reader, and lifelong learner who loves making magic behind-the-scenes at Smart Blogger. When she's not wrangling words onto a screen or page, you can find her strumming a guitar, tickling a canvas, or playing fetch with her favorite four-footed friend!


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Written by Sarah Cha

Sarah Cha is an avid writer, reader, and lifelong learner who loves making magic behind-the-scenes at Smart Blogger. When she's not wrangling words onto a screen or page, you can find her strumming a guitar, tickling a canvas, or playing fetch with her favorite four-footed friend!

1 thought on “How to Use Social Media Icons to Boost Your Brand (+ Top Tips)”

  1. Excellent post Sarah. Studying the iconic brands like Facebook and IG can give you glowing examples to observe and analyze. Think about why the design catches your eye. Much thought and great attention to detail goes into these images. Being high intentional certainly has its benefits in this regard.



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